Monday, February 7, 2011

$100 GOAL

Now that I have $50 in my bankroll. I'm gonna try playing the $0.55 45 and 90-player sng's. Following the 1% golden rule of buy-in. If my bankroll goes down, maybe I can mix a lil of the $0.25 sng's to get back up. To the tables!


Saturday, February 5, 2011

$50 GOAL completed

$50 goal - success. Took me nearly 2 weeks to achieve this. I had a lot of downswings but I managed to squeeze myself out of it. Here's my new bankroll.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Almost @ 50

Just a lil more tournies to win. I've been playing the 45 and 90-player sng's of $0.25 buy-in.